Date Lecture Readings Logistics
W 01/17 Lecture #1 :
Introduction to Reinforcement and Representation Learning
[ slides ]

F 01/19 Recitation #1:
Neural Nets, TensorFlow & Keras, OpenAI Gym, Bandits
[ slides ]

M 01/22 Lecture #2 :
Multi-armed Bandits
[ slides ]

W 01/24 Lecture #3 :
Markov Decision Processes, Value Iteration, Policy Iteration
[ slides ]

HW1 out (tentative)

F 01/26 Recitation #2:
Bandits, MDPs & HW1
[ slides ]

M 01/29 Lecture #4 :
Monte Carlo Learning and Temporal Difference Learning
[ slides ]

W 01/31 Lecture #5 :
Monte Carlo Learning and Temporal Difference Learning (Cont.)
[ slides ]

F 02/02 Recitation #3:
No Recitation
[ slides ]

M 02/05 Lecture #6 :
Planning, Monte Carlo Tree search
[ slides ]

W 02/07 Lecture #7 :
Function approximation in prediction and control, Deep Q-learning
[ slides ]

F 02/09 Recitation #4:
MCTS, TD Learning, Deep Q Learning, HW2 (DQN)
[ slides ]

M 02/12 Lecture #8 :
Policy gradients, REINFORCE, Actor-Critic methods
[ slides ]

HW1 due 11:59pm, HW2 out (tentative)

W 02/14 Lecture #9 :
Natural PG, PPO, TRPO
[ slides ]

F 02/16 Recitation #5:
HW2 (PG) and Quiz 1 Review
[ slides ]

M 02/19 Lecture #10 :
Natural PG, PPO, TRPO (cont.)
[ slides ]

W 02/21 Lecture #11 :
Deterministic Policy gradient, re-parametrized PG
[ slides ]

F 02/23 Quiz 1

M 02/26 Lecture #12 :
Evolutionary methods for policy search
[ slides ]

W 02/28 Lecture #13 :
Imitation learning, behavior cloning
[ slides ]

F 03/01 Recitation #6:
Solutions to Quiz 1
[ slides ]

M 03/04 Spring Break - No Classes

W 03/06 Spring Break - No Classes

F 03/08 Spring Break - No Classes

M 03/11 Lecture #14 :
Multi-goal RL and IL
[ slides ]

HW3 out (tentative), HW2 due 11:59PM

W 03/13 Lecture #15 :
AlphaGo, AlphaGoZero, AlphaZero
[ slides ]

F 03/15 Recitation #7:
[ slides ]

M 03/18 Lecture #16 :
MBRL in explicit and observable low-dimensional state spaces
[ slides ]

W 03/20 Lecture #17 :
MBRL from Sensory Input, Planning in Sensory Space
[ slides ]

F 03/22 Recitation #8:
Quiz 2 Review & HW4
[ slides ]

HW4 out (tentative), HW3 due 11:59PM

M 03/25 Lecture #18 :
MBRL (cont.) Planning in a Latent State Space
[ slides ]

W 03/27 Lecture #19 :
MBRL (cont.) Stochastic Latent Dynamics Models
[ slides ]

F 03/29 Quiz 2

M 04/01 Lecture #20 :
Intelligent Exploration
[ slides ]

W 04/03 Recitation #9:
HW4 Slides/OH
[ slides ]

F 04/05 Recitation #10:
Intelligent Exploration
[ slides ]

HW5 out (tentative), HW4 due 11:59PM

M 04/08 Lecture #21 :
Sim2Real Transfer
[ slides ]

W 04/10 Lecture #22 :
Homework 5 and Solutions to Quiz 2
[ slides ]

F 04/12 Spring Carnival - No Classes

M 04/15 Lecture #23 :
Diffusion Models for Imitation and Model-based RL
[ slides ]

W 04/17 Lecture #24 :
Diffusion Models for Imitation and Model-based RL (cont.)
[ slides ]

F 04/19 Lecture #25 :
Language and Robot Control
[ slides ]

M 04/22 Lecture #26 :
Offline Reinforcement Learning
[ slides ]

HW5 due 11:59PM

W 04/24 Lecture #27 :
Visual Imitation Learning
[ slides ]

F 04/26 Recitation #11:
Quiz 3 Review
[ slides | slides 2 ]

04/30 Quiz 3, 8:30 AM - 11:30 AM, GHC 4307